Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whoever Has The Most Toys When He Dies Wins

Well, the above title might be what all toy collectors strive to achieve, to have the the most toys, be it new or old, the coolest or the most well-made etc.

But actually, I saw these words in the lift at the Mint Museum of Toys at 26 Seah Street. Me and dear went there for a visit last Sunday afternoon and it was a very enjoyable experience heh.

There were lots of toys to see there, spread over 5 levels. There were toys from my favorite Star Wars, Ultraman and Masked Riders, as well as toys that we grew up with like Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Batman, Superman, Tin Tin and many many more. Some toys in the museum are the only few left in the world, including this Mickey Mouse toy that cost US$35,000. One of the visitor pointed out to me that this is the most expensive toy in the whole museum... wow, that's a lot of monies for a toy!

I brought along my DSLR to shoot almost all the toys, that's my way to "Collect 'em all" without having to break the bank to bring them home ha ha! Here all some pics to share, the full set can be seen in my facebook album, check them out yah : ) ?

Bespin Cloud Car and Snowspeeder. Incidentally, this year is the 30th Anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back

Me doing the Ultra Cross

Ultraman Toys. That's Ultraman Jack, the show used to be shown on RTM channel back in the good old days...

Masked Rider Toys

My favorite pics of the day, *k* darling :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Oldest Toy : Bandai Ultraman LSI Game

I am going to start of my blog with the oldest toy in my collection, Bandai Ultraman LSI Game. I think I have this thing with me since I was 4 years old (It came out in 1983), which means about 27 years!

This game predates all the Family Computers, Nintendos, Sega Mega Drives, PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and X-boxes. This thing came out when hand-held game consoles were the rage in those days. Remember games like Heli-Battle, Western Bar by Casio? So I guess you can call it one of the ancestors of the modern day PSP console.

Sad to say that this game is no longer in working condition. When i tried it recently, it can't be switched on...It was a simple game where you just put in 4 AA size batteries or plug in the DC power cable and you can start playing. There is a "Open" button where you press and the LCD screen "Pops-Up".

The game play is simple. First Stage, you start off as "Hayata", the human form of Ultraman and you move across the screen trying to avoid a UFO that shoots at you. When you gained enough points, you will be able to transform into Ultraman by using the "Beta Capsule". Second Stage is where you fight different monsters that appeared in the show like Zetton and Ele-King. The third stage is where you fight Alien Baltan and you will use the Ultraman's signature finishing move, the "Spacium Ray" to kill him! Once that is done, you will transform back to Hayata and start all over again. All these game play is done with the main tune of the Ultraman's show in the background, sweet nostalgia.... :)

The game play can be seen at the side of the box

The game console before and after the screen is "popped up"

Instructions manual for the game, looks well-aged
My brother actually used this image to print on a T-shirt

Though all the words are in Japanese, I love all the pictures in the manual!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My First Post!

Hi All!

I started this blog as a channel to showcase my toy collections and model making journeys. As I am staying in a small place right now, I have limited room to display all my toys. Most of them end up trapped inside boxes and not able to see daylight...

The name of the blog is derived from the material of all my toys, yes you guess it right...PLASTIC! And GA are the initials of my name.

With this blog, I hope to slowly document all the toys that I have, through photographing them and writing about my views on the toys.

Hope that along the way, I can make new friends and people who love toy collecting and share my view that there is a toy lover in all of us, no matter your age!